Because wedding insanity is real

When my husband and I started planning our wedding earlier this year, we wanted to make sure we got to spend time with all of our family members who were traveling in from out of town, many from out of state.  It was one of our many reasons for trying to have a small guest list for our intimate wedding.

Oh, and also because the wedding industry is crazy.

When I saw that the veil I wanted to go with my dress was just as expensive as the dress, I decided it wasn’t that important to me.  I saw a lot of Pinterest boards with DIY wedding veil pictures and tutorials, so I figured I would give it a shot.  If it failed, no big deal.  So, this is the story of my $15 wedding veil.


I started with some tulle that was donated to the Makerspace’s Craft Lab, and sorta followed a tutorial online.  The biggest pain was pinning the tulle folded in half, so that when I cut the rounded corners, it was even.  With Karen’s help, I used ol’ string-on-a-peg to make a partial circle cut line, which let the veil fall nicely around my head.

Using invisible thread I sewed the trim lace (bought via Etsy) to the edge of the veil.  If I were doing this again, I’d clean up the lace before sewing it on, but I did it at the end and it turned out okay.


While working, I laid the veil on a very large piece of fleece material, and also folded it up inside the fleece to keep it from sticking together (the eyelashes on the lace liked to cling to the tulle).



Take THAT, wedding industry people!!

Canvas Fabric Workshop Recap

Last night, Milwaukee Makerspace held a workshop in the Craft Lab to sew something out of canvas. Using cotton canvas drop cloths from the hardware store, we made aprons and messenger bags custom fit to each person.

Here are some of our members (and family of members!) sewing up a storm and Joe B showing off his new messenger bag!


As always, you can learn about upcoming workshops and events by joining our public mailing list!

Etsy Craft Party 2013 Recap

Every year, Etsy throws a global craft party where people from local communities organize, come together, and craft. This year, Milwaukee Makerspace joined forces with Hannah K., a local DIY crafter, to be the Milwaukee location for this event.

Etsy’s theme this year was “Crafting for the Community” and our members crowdsourced some great community themed ideas for the event along with wedding craft goodness. One of community themed projects was assembling lil’ libraries from wood pieces that Makers Brant H. and Vishal R. pre-cut for the event using our awesome wood shop.  (Psst, you can use the tools too, become a member!) We had two designs, a gabled house and a double decker and in classic do-it-yourself style, we provided the wood and a drawing but left it up to people to figure out how everything went together.

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While people were drilling and gluing away, we had pet crafting stations set up to make cat nip toys and dog chews along with some wedding crafts and a button making station.  If the dog chews look familiar it’s because they were created in the same way you made lanyard friendship bracelets in summer camp!

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We hope you all had a great time at our little shindig and if you missed this event, be sure to join our public mailing list so you don’t miss the next one!