As part of my effort to reduce the noise and vibration in the Y axis, I am going to try using a screw drive instead of the 5mm pitch belt. I rescued a screw drive assembly from a big XY table but it uses a 200W servomotor for which I have neither power supply nor drive electronics. Never fear! The motor was a NEMA-34 size, so I designed an adapter to mount the NEMA-23 stepper that MegaMax uses in the NEMA-34 motor mount. Next I needed a shaft coupler- the screw has a 9mm diameter attachment and the NEMA-23 motor has a 1/4″ shaft.
I used DesignSpark Mechanical to design the motor mount adapter and flexible shaft coupler. I uploaded the motor adapter to Thingiverse ( and it proved surprisingly popular so I designed another that adapts a NEMA-23 mount for a NEMA-17 motor ( I had to make two attempts at the flexible shaft coupler- the first design proved a little too springy and flexible, so I tried again with a more beefy design. It turns out it is pretty easy to design this sort of thing in DSM. I probably spent 30 minutes on the first one and about 10 minutes on the second one.
I sliced in Cura because Slic3r was having some problems. The prints look a little rough because of all the support material required to print the springs, but they work fine.
I’ll post an update when I get the screw mounted on the machine.