The Casting Area is running another Iron Pour.
This Event will be open to participants, Members and Non-Members.
Please contact Dave directly if you are a Visiting Artist/Non-member and need studio time to make your own artist mold. All non-members must sign the “Iron Casting Waiver” to participate.
Studio Time is to be scheduled in advance. If you plan on bringing a mold or making a mold all weights must be estimated and metal must be broken by said attendee. If you are unable to break iron due to medical reasons please reach out to Dave.
Resin-bonded sand molds are weighed before they get to the pour floor.
Artist Tile and Doodle Bowl Workshops:
Saturday 03-23-24 @ 12:30-3:30
Sunday 04-07-24 @ 12:30-3:30
Saturday 04-20-24 @ 12:30-3:30
Saturday April 27th
We are planning to have the Safety Meeting at noon. If you plan on participating on the pour floor, show up to the safety meeting and sign the waiver, it’s required. Observation will be available from the north side of the pour floor. Observation will only be accessible from Norwich Ave. The proposed Schedule is the following:
8:00am Pour floor setup (leveling and placing molds)
9:00am Scratch blocks & Doodle Bowls available for sale.
10:30am burn-in (preheat furnace with immersion burner forced air and natural gas)
12:00 safety meeting Immediately after the safety meeting, we go on blast.
*Going on Blast – removing immersion burner and attaching Blower to the furnace and entirely running of forced air and Coke Start charging iron/coke as it settles
1:00pm Should have first tap, Tapping every 13 minutes.
4:00pm Drop bottom when all molds are filled – brief clean up.
Sunday, April 28th
10:00am Clean-up and devesting molds:
Clean-up is required if you have an artist mold on the pour floor. All Artist Tiles/Doodle Bowls will be out on display for pickup. No additional payment is required for these items. For Artist Molds, gating and pour cups may be cut off and thrown in the iron pile.
Please weigh your castings and provide payment in the donation bin or via Wild Aprocot Please Refer to the rates section for pricing
Contact Dave for more information at or via cell phone 4142150499
]]>You can change the number of weeks’ worth of data it displays, by adding “&weeks=xx” to the URL, like this. There’s a little bit of missing data here and there, which is why there are some skipped week numbers. Right now, I’ve collected approximately 25 weeks worth of data. This will only grow as MMS does, though! You might end up seeing this in the MMMPIS too!
Also, coming soon: A stand-alone executable version (for Windows) of the HMMDMMH!
EDIT: 2014 Week 26: After this was implemented we looked closer at the numbers and found an error. It has been corrected, hence the drop
]]>Two of the biggest questions we asked survey-takers were: 1) What do you come to Milwaukee Makerspace for? and 2) What is important to you? The following results can be found in our 19 page report, available for download here:
[See image gallery at]
I know the question you’ve been asking… How Many Members Does Milwaukee Makerspace Have?
Well fear not, Makers… we’ve got you covered. Just visit hmmdmmh on the Global InterWeb Network and you’ll have the answer.
But wait! I can hear you saying “Hey there Lord of Numbers and Hackmaster General, I’m on my Mobile Smart Device, will this even work!?” And the answer is yes… yes it will.
Rather than force you to install an application specific to your Mobile Platform through some silly “App Store” we decided to use the latest in Web Standards to deliver this information to you. (We call this version ‘hmmdmmhm’ with an extra ‘m’ for ‘mobile’.)
What’s that? Oh yes, how does it work? Well, right now it reads the data from this page, parses it, and stores it in a special Linux-based file system, then displays it to you. In the future our custom membership software will provide an API to get this data, but for now… it’s all beta, so just go with it.
]]>Let’s say your interested in Milwaukee Makerspace, and want to check it out, learn more, meet some makers, and see if becoming a member is something you’re interested in…
Because of the structure of Milwaukee Makerspace, we want to meet you, and we want you to meet some of us, and make sure it’s all a good fit before you join us, and that’s why we invite people to stop by Tuesday nights at 7pm for our weekly meetings, or Thursday nights at 7pm for our “Builder’s Night Out” but those days and times may not be ideal for everyone. If you’ve got classes or work, or just can’t make it out on a Tuesday or Thursday night, we can always figure something else out.
Feel free to contact us about getting into the space to meet people at a time that works for you. Maybe you can only stop by on the weekend, or during “normal” business hours… either way, if you’re interested in joining, we’ll do what we can do accommodate you. We’re helpful like that! :)
]]>If you visit the site (and I hope you do) you may have seen some new faces in the header of the home page.
Maybe you’ll be the next one to “join our diverse group of highly trained, creative, and tech-savvy makers, engineers, designers and inventors.”
In fact, as of writing this, seems to indicate we are really close to having 50 members.
Who will be the 50th? Hmm, maybe there should be a prize… maybe a nice laser-cut wooden nickel or something. :)
]]>BarCampMilwaukee6 is this weekend!
If you haven’t yet, go visit their website at
Membership Promotion
Jason proposed that we actively engage the public and recruit new members. He volunteered to lead a small group and make contact with people at area schools and colleges. More to come shortly.
Jumpstart Sponsorships
Rich presented an idea to sponsor people who regularly attend meetings and help out at the space, but lack the disposable income necessary for membership. Candidates would be eligible for two or more months of part-time or student level membership. A fund has already been set up using donations from other members.
Jason noted that PS:One and other groups offer incentives to bring in materials, clean the space, teach classes, etc. and earn points which can be redeemed for merchandise, discounted dues, and more. More details to come.
Doorbell Project
It was noted that Shane, a regular at the space but not quite a member, was left waiting outside in the rain last Friday without anyone to let him in. People were in the space, but did not know he was out there. The group discussed the need for a doorbell to alert occupants to the presence of guests waiting outside. Ross volunteered to help build a system with a bell and lights and began working shortly after the meeting.
Electric Car Club Meeting October 9th
As usual, the Electric Car Club will be meeting on the second Sunday of the month. Tom asked for a few volunteers to come to the space and help direct any guests that attend the meeting. People will hang out between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM with the meeting somewhere in the middle. Tom noted that Ben is working to make the group an official chapter of the Electric Automobile Association.