Last weekend I made three huge, turquoise planter boxes for my rooftop deck – check out the quarter for scale. Naturally, help from other Makerspace members was key, as I relied on JackD and his JAMbulence for help transporting two sheets of plywood (Thanks!). I safely sliced ’em up on the panel saw, and then glued, screwed and nailed them together. After applying numerous coats of outdoor latex paint and a bit of sanding, they’re already in use in downtown Milwaukee!
Kevin’s been on a roll lately! Here are some gigantic planters he made last weekend.
@mkemakerspace what kind of joints did he use for that? Thanks!
Inside, recessed about 5″ below the top, there are four 2×4’s, one at each corner. I glued and screwed the two faces of the 2×4 to the two plywood faces. Each corner has 10 screws, 5 on each face. Also, I used a nail gun with 18 ga nails to fasten the upper 5″ of the plywood edges together.