Although poorly attended (only one full and one future member) everyone had a great time observing the 98% solar Eclipse.
Using the official MMS pinhole card:
Too bad the eclipse image is so poor, what a minute – whats that on the building next door?
Openings between the leaves of trees are acting as pin hole cameras and giving hundreds of images of the eclipse, we felt a little silly looking at the tiny ones the card was making for the first half hour :-)
You can also see some on the leaf in the foreground (I’m writing this on an old netbook so I can’t tell how the pictures are coming out, so I didn’t clip or tweak them)
And just so you don’t think its some other effect, here’s a shot at the max we witnessed, notice the arc is at the top instead of the side:
I’m still not sure why we had such a poor turnout, after all its only a 36 hour drive to San Francisco!